
What is the Bletchley Declaration Signed by 28 Countries?

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ensuring safety and ethics takes center stage. The significance was highlighted today when 28 countries came together...

Bridging the Language Gap: A Push for AI Tools for African Languages

In today's tech-driven age, artificial intelligence (AI) has given rise to tools like ChatGPT for textual communications and voice-activated services like Siri, augmenting human...

AI Is Crucial for Healthcare Cybersecurity

Healthcare organizations are among the most frequent targets of cybercriminals’ attacks. Even as more IT departments invest in cybersecurity safeguards, malicious parties infiltrate infrastructures...

Ethics & Technology: Does AI Need a Pilot at the Helm?

Summary: Advances in conversational AI technology necessitates careful balancing of interests that foster innovation while mitigating potential harmful impacts.The Allure of Conversational AIThe launch...

New Study Shows People Can Learn to Spot Machine-Generated Text

The increasing sophistication and accessibility of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised longstanding concerns about its impact on society. The most recent generation of chatbots...

AI and Survey Research: A Surprising Collaboration

A recent study conducted by a team of political science and computer science professors and graduate students at BYU has examined the potential of...

8 Ethical Considerations of Large Language Models (LLM) Like GPT-4

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, GPT-4, PaLM, LaMDA, etc., are artificial intelligence systems capable of generating and analyzing human-like text. Their usage is...

Kids, AI, and Ethics: How Children Perceive and Treat Alexa and Roomba

A recent study conducted by Duke developmental psychologists explored how children perceive the intelligence and emotions of AI devices, specifically comparing the smart speaker...

What Geoffrey Hinton’s Exit Represents for AI

Renowned artificial intelligence researcher, Geoffrey Hinton, at 75 years of age, recently made a significant decision that sent ripples throughout the tech industry. Hinton...