LightAutoML: AutoML Solution for a Large Financial Services Ecosystem

Although AutoML rose to popularity a few years ago, the ealy work on AutoML dates back to the early 90’s when scientists published the...

Qwen2 – Alibaba’s Latest Multilingual Language Model Challenges SOTA like Llama 3

After months of anticipation, Alibaba's Qwen team has finally unveiled Qwen2 – the next evolution of their powerful language model series. Qwen2 represents a...

Apple WWDC: Unleashing the Power of AI and Spatial Computing with Groundbreaking Updates

The recent Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) showcased significant updates across Apple's platforms, introducing new features and enhancements designed to elevate user experience and...

Med-Gemini: Transforming Medical AI with Next-Gen Multimodal Models

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves in the medical field over the past few years. It's improving the accuracy of medical image diagnostics,...

AI Set To Take Center Stage at Today’s Apple WWDC Conference

Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is set to take center stage today with AI expected to be the main focus. The WWDC event...

Deceptive AI: Exploiting Generative Models in Criminal Schemes

Generative AI, a subset of Artificial Intelligence, has rapidly gained prominence due to its remarkable ability to generate various forms of content, including human-like...

LLaVA-UHD: an LMM Perceiving Any Aspect Ratio and High-Resolution Images

The recent progress and advancement of Large Language Models has experienced a significant increase in vision-language reasoning, understanding, and interaction capabilities. Modern frameworks achieve...

The Future of AI Development: Trends in Model Quantization and Efficiency Optimization

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen tremendous growth, transforming industries from healthcare to finance. However, as organizations and researchers develop more advanced models, they face...

The AI Mind Unveiled: How Anthropic is Demystifying the Inner Workings of LLMs

In a world where AI seems to work like magic, Anthropic has made significant strides in deciphering the inner workings of Large Language Models...